
Why I gave up on social media as a writer

I wasn’t a big fan of social media since I decided to be a broadly defined artist around 2017 (writer, metal musician, digital painter, writer again). Whenever I googled “how to promote your [ insert your art type here ]“, the 1st tip I got was “ YOU MUST USE SOCIAL MEDIA!!! “ As a little, young and stupid kid, I followed this advice… and that didn’t end up too well. While I’m not trying to tell that all SM always suck for everyone, I would like to explain why I completely gave up on them. Before I start my flood of complaints, I will highlight a few positive things about using SM and a few of my mistakes: yes, you can find your new fans on SM (at least around 2021). I sold about 3 copies of my epic metal EP when I used Instagram (but I had to spend 2h per day on promotion and got around 500 real followers. Does it sound good?) it all is determined by your target audience. Some time ago I saw a post by some author who sold 5000 paperbacks through TikTok. Before you decide to use any sp

My favourite military sci-fi books - collab with

Some time ago published a short list of my favourite military sci-fi books. Check it out HERE and feel free to comment your ideas. publishes lists of books on various themes, so your "to-read" list wil never be empty!

A few fun facts about the origins of Halloween (in Poland)

The first quarter of my new book entered its second-to-last phase: I’m filling the gaps or rewriting some sentences and… that’s soooo damn hard. At least the days are colder and darker, what helps me focus and relax. The time between October and November is special for one more reason: Halloween! Or, for me and other people who don’t like its Americanized, commercialized and/or christianized version: Dziady, Samhain or maybe even Divali. Here, in Poland, Halloween is a quite controversial topic. People complain about borrowing American trends, “worshipping“ demons by dressing-ups, and other stuff. However, they forget about one thing: we have our own Slavic version of it. Me, and the other people who appreciate the older local traditions, prefer this version of Halloween. How does it look like? Even though each region had its own customs, they have many common features: huge feasts and offering food and drinks to the souls of the ancestors. What’s the catch? You have to be calm and qu

Top free and paid book promotions sites - are they really that good? A huge review of sites to advertise your novel

I guess some people may relate to this scenario: you publish a book, then you sell absolutely nothing for the next few months, you get frustrated and you google: Best websites to promote your book And then you see huuuuge lists of book promo sites that tempt you with incredible promises. Since your budget is quite limited, you begin to wonder: Are these websites worth it?  And this is where I come with help. Here I compare the most popular book promo sites (I also added newsletter builders as a little bonus). Please note that all these promos were for 0.99$ book (except Best Book Monkey in the 5th category).   A few things about my books (to give you some background and context) my genre: adult dark military space opera, without romance. Maybe it's a bit niche but nothing too obscure. preferred audience: adult (25+), 60-70% men, English-speaking (I think B1 level is enough to understand my books). stats (book 1): Bloodstained Skies: The Core of Rage Reviews: 2-6, around 4.5 stars

Big scary Goodreads scammers - why you shouldn't trust paid "reviewers" from Goodreads

Do you get tons of spam about book reviews too? Some "Mary", "Cheryl" and others began to spam my mailbox so I had a nice idea to have some fun in my boring life. Whenever they send me anyhitng, I just respond "yes but only if it's free." Usually they shut up, but I got this one day: Scary, right? Well, not exactly, because when I blocked the sender, I didn't get any new mails like this. How am I supposed to believe in their hacker skills if they can't ever spam me to death properly? Lol   This is their "website":

Crowdfunding - help me release a new book and get some benefits!

I began to notice that my new book "Apex Predator", is going to be LONG. And long books need more editing, and more editing equals higher price so... Join me in my publishing journey and get some benefits: 2$ - 5$ - your (user)name will be listed at the end of the book 5$ - 8$ - you will get a free copy of  "Apex Predator" 8$ - 15$ - you will get a free copy of "Apex Predator" 2 weeks before the official release  over 15$ - I will draw/design a special dedication for you  the person with the highest donation will get a dedication on the 1st page Visit my Ko-Fi page and let's make it happen! Remember to fill the "name" box.   "Apex Predator" is a sequel of my previous book, "The Core of Rage"     After years of tension, war has finally come to the Union worlds. Hordes of rebels, seeking revenge for their lost worlds, ravage the Peripheral Zones. One of the leaders of the rebellion is Charon Antares. When another one

Interview on Writerful Books

"Author Dagmar Rokita Discusses Her Books, Creativity, The Impact of AI, and Writing Process"  Read on Writerful Books